
Hawks in College

We’re checking in with a few Xaverian Hawks to find out how they’re doing at college, their hopes for the future, and what they miss about life on Clapboardtree Street.
Krish Shah ’22
Brown University 
Neuroscience and Business Economics Double Major

My proudest accomplishment since leaving Xaverian is…being a Research Assistant Intern at Massachusetts General Hospital’s ICU Precision Medicine Laboratory and having the opportunity to utilize artificial intelligence and clinical informatics in analyzing personalized medicine regimens.

My advice to current Xaverian students is…to pursue what interests you and stick with that path; you are bound to find success along the way.

Shoutout to...Mr. Howard, whose chemistry and biochemistry classes helped me realize my passion for medicine and the sciences, alongside allowing me to develop my passion into a new club, “X-Ploring the World of Modern Sciences.” Xaverian gave me the gift of...the ability to approach challenges with confidence and perseverance.

Michael Larmond ’23
Pace University

The thing I learned at Xaverian that helps me the most in college is...time management and how to make a good impression.

Xaverian gave me the gift of…friends that I will have for the rest of my life.

My advice to current Xaverian students is…enjoy the time you have with each other. I enjoy college and the people I have met, but I miss the friends that I made at Xaverian.

Shoutout to...
Mr. McDonald: Was a great mentor for me the whole six years and I spent a lot of time in his office. 

Ms.Vona: I believe she’s one of the first teachers I made a real connection with during my freshman year, and she always greeted me with a smile. 

Coach Fornaro: He was always willing to help me in football and taught me how to lift the right way. 

The three things I miss the most about Xaverian are…community, friendships, and the emphasis on faith.

Alex Di Martino ’20
Wake Forest University
Finance Major with a Mathematics Minor

The thing I learned at Xaverian that helps me the most in college is...the importance of asking questions. Whether it’s in the classroom or out of it, asking questions about things that make you curious can open doors you didn’t even know were there.

Xaverian gave me the gift of…being able to reflect. Every so often I find myself wondering what I could have done differently when I make a mistake or something doesn’t go my way. Usually I’m able to separate what I wasn’t able to control and what I was able to control. From there, it’s easier for me to figure out where I can improve myself and how I can go about doing that. I really think it has served me well and will continue to do so in the future.

Shoutout to…Mr. Tranfaglia. It’s crazy to think that I’m 21 years old now, and I met Mr. T when I was 12. He went from being my social studies teacher in seventh grade, to being my golf coach senior year, and now to being someone I call a really good friend. I still take notes the same way he taught me all the way back in seventh grade, and I certainly would not be where I am today without Mr. T and all of the other great teachers at Xaverian.

Owen Kidd ’22
Tulane University
Architecture Major and Environmental Studies Minor

My career goals are...architect, community designer, sustainable, designer, urban planner.

The thing I learned at Xaverian that helps me the most in college is...how important communication and connection are! 

My proudest accomplishment since leaving Xaverian is…being awarded a $6,500 grant by the City of New Orleans for an urban gardening and landscape architecture project.

Shoutout to…There are many incredible teachers at Xaverian, but I have to go with Mr. Kidd, who coincidentally is also my dad. He is constantly supportive and loving, and raised me to be the person I am today. He also made me a much better singer (sign up for choir!).

Kevin Prata ’20
University of Notre Dame
Finance and Spanish Double Major

My career goals are…to work in or own an investment firm.

The thing I learned at Xaverian that helps me the most in college is...the value of fraternity and close friendships.

My proudest accomplishment since leaving Xaverian is…competing in Notre Dame’s men’s boxing club, the “Bengal Bouts.”

Shoutout to…Mr. MacKinnon. One of the smartest and most upstanding people at the school, bar none.

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Xaverian is a Catholic, college-preparatory school for boys in grades 7-12. As an inclusive community, we embrace diverse experiences and perspectives, welcoming students and families from all faiths and backgrounds. Through exceptional academics, athletics, the arts, faith formation, and service opportunities, we help young men discover their unique gifts and talents so they can share them with a world in need.