One of our foundational beliefs at Xaverian Brothers High School is that we were all “created by the God of love in God's image and according to God's likeness, to be a unique expression of that love."

This conviction serves as our guiding principle as we continue our efforts to grow with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion at Xaverian. With humility in our hearts and a fervent zeal for this important work, we strive toward a brighter and more just future.

At Xaverian, we believe...
  • We are created in God’s image and are called to be unique expressions of God’s love. 
  • We live with trust knowing that we are all endowed with dignity and worthy of respect. 
  • We embody humility by recognizing our own giftedness and the gifts of others. 
  • We value simplicity by choosing to learn from and stand with the poor, the weak, and the oppressed.
  • We show compassion by accompanying others through life’s challenges and joys. 
  • We live with zeal by working for peace and justice in our community and throughout the world. 
  • We learn from the blessing of diversity in our community members. 
  • We listen with acceptance and dialogue with openness, learning from each other’s life experiences. 
  • We are a band of brothers and sisters; we are known, loved, and valued. 

Through the Office of Community, Culture, and Equity, Xaverian hosts a variety of affinity groups for students from diverse backgrounds and with varied interests. The following groups are in addition to approximately 40 other extracurricular activities available for all students at Xaverian:

List of 5 items.

  • X-Represented

    X-Represented teaches students about the contributions of Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color (BIPOC) to society. Participants reflect on the BIPOC experience at Xaverian, and consider how they can share their learning to bring about positive change in their communities.
  • Young Men For Change (YM4C)

    Young Men for Change is a club that is dedicated to redefining masculinity, promoting equality, and examining social justice issues that affect our society today. YM4C meetings feature roundtable discussions and guest speakers.
  • Without Xception

    Without Xception was founded to acknowledge and offer pastoral support to students who are in various stages of awareness, acceptance, and openness about their sexual orientation. All students are invited to attend meetings in support of one another.
  • International Culture Club

    International Culture Club shares various traditions and cultures from around the world with students on a weekly basis. Meetings feature games and contests, interesting facts, and always food and beverages to sample. 
  • Student Council

    Student Council is the student leadership group that plans events for the student body. Student leaders meet regularly with moderators and administrators to help communicate what students want and need, and provide a pulse on the student body.

Community, Culture, and Equity Advisory Council

  • Mr. Alex Ramirez, School Counselor
  • Ms. Jenna Vona, Theology Teacher, Without X-Ception Club Moderator
  • Ms. Catherine Douglas, Chair of the World Languages Department, International Culture Club Moderator
  • Mr. Philippe Mombeleur, Assistant Director of Athletics
  • Mr. David Palmieri '93, Theology Teacher
  • Ms. Julianne O'Connor, Fine Arts Teacher, Theater Director

Contact the Director

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Anif McDonald

    Mr. Anif McDonald 

    Director of Community, Culture, and Equity
    Fairfield University - B.A.
Mr. Anif McDonald ’12 was appointed Xaverian’s first-ever Director of Community, Culture, and Equity in 2021. Working collaboratively with the admissions team, the Office of Student Life, and the administration, Mr. McDonald helps to ensure that Xaverian continues to support an equitable experience at Xaverian for those who are most vulnerable to structural racism and/or discrimination.

Xaverian Brothers High School

Phone: 781-326-6392
Fax: 781-320-0458
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EIN (Tax ID Number): 04-2314036 
Xaverian is a Catholic, college-preparatory school for boys in grades 7-12. As an inclusive community, we embrace diverse experiences and perspectives, welcoming students and families from all faiths and backgrounds. Through exceptional academics, athletics, the arts, faith formation, and service opportunities, we help young men discover their unique gifts and talents so they can share them with a world in need.